Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Book Clubs are freakin' Amazing!

I was always on the fence about joining a book club but then a few yrs ago I saw The Jane Austin Book Club movie and thought about how freakin' fun that would be to talk books with a group of other like minded peers.  I tend to move around loads so I didn't have time to find a great group.  I know there are some online but for some reason I never considered it.  I recently moved to St. Louis, MO and plan on sticking it out here for awhile so I thought I would give a book club a chance.  There is this great indie bookstore here which houses alot of the author events here in the area.  While on their website, I saw they offered a Young Adult Book Club for Adults.  It was like the heavens opened up!

I was slightly nervous to go because well I didn't read that months book since I just found the site but I decided to attend anyway.  When I got there they had already started...early.  I felt slightly dumb but they were all very welcoming.  I listened in to their conversation of that months book--one of which I won't name.  The night was exactly like I expected: great people discussing great books, laughing, and who wouldn't love to drink wine at a book talk? What I didn't learn so much about writing!

During the book talk, everyone, ok the 5 people who attended, discussed what they liked and didn't like about the book.   Of course I knew that is the point of book talks, but I didn't think it would give me so much insight as a writer.  Back when I did book talks in High School I didn't listen to them like I was a writer.  This time I caught so much valuable information.  So lesson of the day--err well week from me--is to think like a writer in everything that you do.  You will be surprised how much it can pay off. Please keep me updated on what you learn!!

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